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Please note that the minimum order for delivery is 60chf PER DELIVERY outside of Gland, Luins  & Duillier. 

Attention, le minimum de commande pour la livraison est de 60 chf PAR LIVRAISON en dehors de Gland, Lions & Duillier.


Idéal pour le petit-déjeuner ou une collation de l'après-midi !

Nos muffins faits maison sont parfaits à tout moment de la journée. Ils peuvent également être congelés pour prolonger le plaisir...

Choix de: 
- Banane
- Myrtille
- Fruits rouges mélangés
- Citron-Pavot
- Amande-Pavot (contient des amandes)
- Pépites de chocolat
- Espresso et pépites de chocolat double
- Avoine-Carotte (contient des graines de citrouille, des graines de tournesol et des amandes)

12 muffins




Great for breakfast or an afternoon snack!


Our homemade muffins are great for any time of the day. Can also be frozen for prolonged yumminess.....


Choice of: 



Mixed Berry 

Lemon Poppyseed

Almond Poppyseed (contains almonds)

Chocolate Chip

Espresso-Double Chocolate Chip

Oatmeal-Carrot (contains pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds and almonds)


12 muffins


Muffin box - one dozen - Choix de Saveurs

Excluding VAT
  • By ordering the meal as listed, please note that this meal contains:

    Lactose, Gluten, Eggs + any special notations for the individual muffins (almonds, etc.)


    We do our best to honor all orders that have notes regarding allergies and intolerances. When ordering anything from Pâtachou, however, it is important to understand that we prepare foods with nuts, fish, shellfish, dairy, gluten, sesame and soy within our kitchen/laboratoire. The only way to be 100% sure that there is no cross contamination is to not eat foods prepared at Pâtachou Bakery & Kitchen. 

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​© 2025 Pâtachou

CHE-226.041.390 TVA

Grégoire Mühlethaler

​Pâtachou Bakery & Kitchen

1196 Gland

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